Treatment Recommended by CHWs During Clinical Vignettes Assessing the Correct Management of Sick Children Under 5 in 3 Rural Counties, Liberia

Vignette and Correct Treatment ActivityActivity TypePercentage of Vignettes in Which CHWs Recommended Activity, % (95% CI) (N=155)
Pneumonia with danger sign
    Treatment with amoxicillinLifesaving62 (54, 69)
    Correct amoxicillin doseLifesaving39 (32, 47)
    Referral to the facilityLifesaving63 (55, 70)
    Overall correct lifesaving treatmentLifesaving23 (17, 31)
    Overall fully correct treatmentFully correct23 (17, 31)
Diarrhea with danger sign
    Treatment with ORSLifesaving78 (71, 84)
    Correct ORS doseFully correct46 (39, 54)
    Referral to the facilityLifesaving63 (55, 70)
    Overall correct lifesaving treatmentLifesaving50 (42, 58)
    Overall fully correct treatmentFully correct21 (15, 29)
Uncomplicated malaria
    Treatment with ACTLifesaving74 (67, 81)
    Correct ACT doseLifesaving65 (57, 72)
    Treatment with paracetamolFully correct73 (65, 79)
    Correct paracetamol doseFully correct39 (32, 47)
    Overall correct lifesaving treatmentLifesaving65 (57, 72)
    Overall fully correct treatmentFully correct28 (21, 35)
  • Abbreviations: ACT, artemisinin-combined treatment; CHW, community health worker; ORS, oral rehydration solution.