Survey Questionnaire Respondents’ Attitudesa Toward COVID-19 Among Internally Displaced Persons, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Overall (N=307) No. (%)IDPs (N=164) No. (%)Comparison (N=143) No. (%)P Value
Affective response
COVID-19 is a serious illness.301 (98.0)163 (99.4)138 (96.5).03
I am afraid of COVID-19.300 (97.8)161 (98.2)139 (97.2).08
Reaction to control measures
Physical distancing is important to prevent COVID-19.278 (90.6)146 (89.0)132 (92.3).42
People should be willing to give up their daily duties to stop the spread of COVID-19.243 (79.2)120 (73.2)123 (86.0).14
It is hard to distinguish which information I hear about COVID-19 is true, false, or just a rumour.244 (79.5)126 (76.8)118 (82.5).61
Institutional trust
I trust the government.207 (67.4)117 (71.3)90 (62.9).09
There is a lot of corruption in the government.123 (40.1)70 (42.7)53 (37.1).53
COVID-19 was created in a Chinese laboratory.58 (18.9)31 (18.9)27 (18.9).88
COVID-19 is a conspiracy created to vaccinate everybody.37 (12.1)13 (7.9)24 (16.8).03
  • Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease; IDP, internally displaced person.

  • a Participants were asked to rank agreement with the statements on a 5-point Likert scale, with possible answers “strongly agree,” “agree,” “neutral,” “disagree,” “strongly disagree,” or “I don't know.” Numbers are n (%) of participants who agreed or strongly agreed with the statements.