Survey Questionnaire Respondents’ Practices With Respect to COVID-19 Prevention Among Internally Displaced Persons, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Overall (N=307) No. (%)IDPs (N=164) No. (%)Comparison (N=143) No. (%)P Value
Prevention practices
In the past 2 weeks, have you done anything to protect yourself from COVID-19?
No137 (44.6)77 (47.0)60 (42.0)
Yes168 (54.7)85 (51.8)83 (58.0).39
If so, what?a
Wash hands149 (88.6)78 (91.7)71 (85.5).30
Stay >2 m from others75 (44.6)35 (41.2)40 (48.2).45
Avoid touching face38 (22.6)24 (28.2)14 (16.8).11
Stay home31 (18.5)10 (11.8)21 (25.3).04
Use disinfectant10 (6.0)6 (7.1)4 (4.8).75
Wear mask8 (4.8)3 (3.5)5 (6.0).49
Take medicines without prescription2 (1.2)2 (2.4)0 (0).50
Change diet1 (0.6)1 (1.2)0 (0)>.99
Physical distancing
Apart from family, have you come in close (<2 m) contact with anyone in the past 24 hours?
Yes195 (63.5)115 (70.1)80 (55.9).01
How many people did you shake hands with in the past 24 hours (not counting family members)?
0155 (50.5)77 (47.0)78 (54.5)
1 to 571 (23.1)31 (18.9)40 (28.0).02
>581 (26.4)56 (34.1)25 (17.5)
Barriers to prevention
What has prevented you from fully protecting yourself from COVID-19?
Lack of soap243 (79.2)150 (91.5)93 (65.0)<.0001
Lack of water193 (62.9)110 (67.1)83 (58.0).11
Insufficient income67 (21.8)32 (19.5)35 (24.5).38
Lack of masks55 (17.9)25 (15.2)30 (21.0).26
Lack of information51 (16.6)24 (14.6)27 (18.9).41
Lack of disinfectant46 (15.0)21 (12.8)25 (17.5).34
Lack of availability of these items31 (10.1)18 (11.0)13 (9.1).71
High prices of these items in the market46 (15.0)15 (9.2)31 (21.7).004
Lack gloves18 (5.9)11 (6.7)7 (4.9).66
I can fully protect myself against COVID-1928 (9.2)7 (4.3)21 (14.7).003
  • Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease; IDP, internally displaced person.

  • ↵a Among respondents who had done something to protect against COVID-19.