International Cancer Expert Corps Mentoring Relationships

MenteeMentorYear StartedExamples of Achievement
National Center of Oncology, Yerevan, Armenia, and Weill Cornell, New York, USA
Onyinye Balogun, MD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, Weill Cornell
Silvia Formenti, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology, Weill Cornell
Associate Director of the Meyer Cancer Center and Radiation Oncologist in Chief,
New York Presbyterian Hospital
Harmar Brereton, MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine and Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, Weill Cornell
  • Established a training program to facilitate transitioning from 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional treatment planning for treatment of cancer with radiotherapy, with a focus on breast cancer

  • Established education and ongoing training program to ensure proper implementation of image-guided brachytherapy for cervical cancer. Training is delivered through didactic lectures and teleconferences offering patient case discussion and peer review

  • Established the global oncology initiative at Weill Cornell Medicine

  • Established one of the first ICEC twinning programs linking an emerging cancer treatment program in an LMIC with an advanced cancer treatment program in an HIC

Princess Marina Hospital, Gaborone, Botswana, and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Surbhi Grover, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, Perelman School of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania
University of Botswana & Princess Marina Hospital, Gaborone, Botswana
Stephen Hahn, MD
FDA Commissioner
Former Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
James Metz, MD
Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Increased evidence-based care establishing guidelines for the top 10 cancers in Botswana

  • Created an educational exchangeprogram between University of Botswana and University of Pennsylvania

  • Developed research programs between the University of Botswana and University of Pennsylvania Radiation Oncology expanding research capacity at University of Botswana and linking young investigators to international mentors to support research

  • Advanced strategies to reduce stock-outs of chemotherapy and to improve systems to reduce delays in pathology diagnosed through an initiative with the American Society of Clinical Pathology

  • Botswana is now a destination for radiation oncology residents pursuing careers in global health, orchestrated by the Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology

MenteeMentorYear StartedExamples of Achievement
Bugando Cancer Center, Mwanza, Tanzania, and Duke Children’s Hospital & Health Center, Durham, NC, USA
Kristin Schroeder, MD, MPH
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Specialist, Pediatric Neuro-oncologist
Bugando Cancer Center,
Mwanza, Tanzania
Duke Children's Hospital & Health Center, North Carolina, USA
Nelson Chao, MD, MBA
Donald D. and Elizabeth G. Cooke Professor
Chief, Division of Hematologic Malignancies and Cellular Therapy/BMT
Director, Global Cancer, Duke University School of Medicine
  • Established a patient navigator program that offers education and caregiver guidance throughout the diagnosis and patient treatment

  • Developed a pediatric cancer clinical database to monitor patient outcomes

  • Established a hospital-based cancer registry

  • Fostered a streamlined process to speed cancer diagnosis and access to treatment

  • Implemented standard protocols for care

  • Initiated research programs related to Burkitt lymphoma and retinoblastoma treatment, and impact of psychosocial support

  • Founded the NGO, International Cancer Care and Research Excellence Foundation (iCCARE), a nonprofit whose mission is to give any child diagnosed with cancer the same chance of a cure regardless of where they live

  • Her mentorship of 19 individuals includes 2 Fulbright scholars, 5 masters level students, 1 oncology fellow, 2 nurses, 1 resident, 3 medical students, and 3 undergraduate students

National Hospital, Abuja, Nigeria, and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Taofeeq Abdallah Ige, PhD
Chief Consultant Physicist and Head of Medical Physics Department, National Hospital, Abuja, Nigeria
Manjit Dosanjh, PhD
Senior Advisor for Medical Applications, CERN
  • Established cross-border networking, education, and research projects to enhance the accessibility, effectiveness, and safety related to the use of medical physics and technologies improving treatment techniques and patient outcomes

  • Fostered mentoring relationships between individuals in HICs and LMICs providing access to expert knowledge, guidance, advice, and building collegial relationships

  • Established knowledge- and information-sharing programs utilizing various platforms including WebEx and videoconferencing and attendance at global scientific meetings

  • Facilitated engagement in research programs resulting in co-authorship on scholarly articles published in leading academic journal publications

MenteeMentorYear StartedExamples of Achievement
National Hospital, Abuja, Nigeria, and the International Cancer Expert Corps (ICEC)
Simeon Chinedu Aruah MD, MPH, FWACS
Consultant Radiation and Clinical Oncology
National Hospital Abuja, Nigeria
Lecturer University of Abuja College of Medicine, Nigeria
Head of Department Radiation and Clinical Oncology
National Hospital Abuja, Nigeria
David A. Pistenmaa, MD, PHD, FACR
Chief Scientific Program Director
International Cancer Expert Corps
Manjit Dosanjh, PhD
Senior Advisor for Medical Applications, CERN
  • Fostered academic growth through co-authorship on publications in top scientific oncology journals

  • Presentation of quality papers in different fora

  • Capitalized on opportunities to travel outside Nigeria to attend international workshops, which has widened access to world class education and training, resulting in improved delivery of quality cancer care in Nigeria

  • Increased global visibility of National Hospital Abuja through representing Nigeria in the 63rd International Atomic Energy Agency general assembly in September 2019 in Vienna, Austria, and an invitation to represent Nigeria at the UN Disarmament Conference in New York City in May 2020 (postponed because of COVID-19)

  • Increased respect and enhanced image of the National Hospital Abuja within the scientific community

  • Improved the quality of academic lectures to resident doctors and undergraduate medical students resulting in the fostering of new mentoring relationships within Nigerian hospitals and academic medical centers

  • Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; HIC, high-income country; ICEC, International Cancer Expert Corps; LMICs, low- and middle-income countries; NGO, nongovernmental organization.