Demographics of Survey Questionnaire Respondents Selected From 3 Internally Displaced Persons Camps in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Overall(N=307)IDPs (N=164)Comparison (N=143)P Value
Age [yr], median (IQR)37 (24–55)43 (28–58)29 (22–45)<.0001
Sex, No. (%).42
Male176 (57.3)90 (54.9)86 (60.1)
Female131 (42.6)74 (45.1)57 (39.9)
Education, No. (%)<.0001
None111 (36.2)77 (47.0)34 (23.8)
Primary113 (36.8)67 (40.9)46 (32.2)
Secondary or above83 (27.0)20 (12.2)63 (44.1)
Employment,a No. (%)<.0001
Farming166 (54.1)115 (70.1)51 (35.7)
Commerce/trade20 (6.5)1 (0.6)19 (13.3)
Health care worker14 (4.6)4 (2.4)10 (7.0)
Unemployed77 (25.1)37 (22.6)40 (28.0)
Othera30 (9.8)7 (4.3)23 (16.1)
Marital status, No. (%)<.0001
Single66 (21.4)6 (3.7)60 (42.0)
Married182 (59.3)113 (68.9)69 (48.3)
Married (separated)33 (10.7)25 (15.2)8 (5.6)
Widowed26 (8.5)20 (12.2)6 (4.2)
Household characteristics
Household size, median (IQR)8 (6–10)9 (7–11)8 (6–10).007
Households with member aged >60 years, No. (%)132 (43.0)75 (45.7)57 (40.0).33
Household assets, No. (%)
Radio158 (51.5)52 (31.7)106 (74.1)<.0001
Cell phone122 (39.7)31 (18.9)91 (63.6)<.0001
Bicycle50 (16.3)10 (6.1)40 (28.0)<.0001
Housing, No. (%)
Wood, thatch, mud materials209 (68.8)79 (49.1)130 (90.9)<.0001
Brick or wood walls and iron sheet roof27 (8.9)16 (9.9)13 (9.1)
School building68 (22.4)66 (41.0)0
  • Abbreviations: IDP, internally displaced person; IQR, interquartile range.

  • a Other employment included trades (mechanic, carpenter, shoemaker, tailor, mason, gardener), teacher, police officer, pastor, and taxi driver.