Percentage Distribution of Age, Marital Status, Local Government Area, and Education Level by Participant Group and Baseline/Endline Among Young First-Time Parents, Cross River State, Nigeria

First-Time MothersMale Partners
Baseline (n=338)Endline (n=339)Baseline (n=224)Endline (n=224)
Age, %
 15–19 years28.728.3a1.30.9
 20–24 years62.767.8a28.630.4
 25–29 years1.22.7a40.238.8
 30 years plus0.00.3a29.929.9
 Don’t know/missing7.40.9a0.00.0
 Mean age, years20.621.1b27.527.4
Local government area, %
Marital status, %
 Never married62.753.1b30.431.7
 Living with partner/married37.345.4b69.668.3
No. of living children, %
Age of youngest child (among participants with at least 1 child)
 Mean age of youngest child (months)6.9 months (n=289)8.7a (n=312)8.8 months (n=199)10.9 months (n=214)
Residential arrangement, %
 Currently lives with partner45.043.475.472.8
Education level, %
 Junior Secondary (completed)
 Secondary (completed)47.645.467.967.0
Works to earn money, %
  • a Chi-square P<.000.

  • b Chi-square P<.05.