Table 2. Average Annual Rate of Decline in Undernutrition in the Care Group Mozambique Project Areas Compared With Mozambique Nationwide
LocationAge group of childrena% of children < 2 SD below the standard median/mean of weight-for-age% DifferenceNo. of years (endline – baseline)Avg. annual rate of decline
Baseline (dates)Endline (dates)
Project Areas0–23 m26.5%(Feb 2006)16.7%(Jun 2010)9.8%4.42.2%
Nationwideb (DHS and UNICEF/MICS)0–59 m20.0%(2003)18.0%(2008)2.0%50.4%
Nationwideb (DHS)0–59 m20.0%(2003)14.9%(2011)5.1%80.6%
  • Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; DHS, Demographic and Health Surveys; MICS, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey.

  • a Comparable national data for children 0–23 months old from the DHS and MICS surveys are not available.

  • b Nationwide data are from the 2003 and 2011 DHS21-22 and the 2008 UNICEF/MICS.23 The 2003 DHS reported an undernutrition level of 24.6% using earlier WHO nutritional standards. The 2008 UNICEF/MICS survey recalculated the 2003 DHS numbers, shown here, using the WHO 2006 nutritional standards.