Indicator | Angola | Ethiopia | India | Kenya | Somalia | Nigeria |
OPV0 dose | 43% card inspection, (2008) to 47% card inspection (2012)1 | 49% (2013) to 59% (2017) compared to regional Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey data of 15% (2011) to 27% (2016)2 | 36% (2010) to 78% (2017) in Uttar Pradesh within 15 days of birth3 | 64% (2015) to 97% (2017)4 | 95% (2017)4 | 55% (2014) to 99% (2018)5 |
OPV3 among children 12–24 months based on immunization card and mother’s recall | 62% (2010)6 | 67% (2012) to 86% (2017) compared with regional state data of 41% (2011) to 50% (2016)2 | Maintained above 80% coverage in Uttar Pradesh from 2010 to 20173 | 57% (2015) to 94% (2017)4 | 21% (2017)4 | 47% (2014) to 62% (2017)4 |
Non-polio acute flaccid paralysis rate per 100,000 children under age 15 within 14 days of onset of paralysis with 80% or better stool adequacy | Not available | 2.2 (2012) to 2.8 (2017) exceeding national rate of 2.5 (2017)7 | Not applicable | 2.5 (2017)4 | 4 (2017)4 | 13.6 (2014) to 19.6 (2017)8 |
Abbreviation: OPV, oral polio vaccine; OPV0, oral polio vaccine newborn dose; OPV3, oral polio vaccine third dose.