Barriers to Removal by Timing of Removal and by Provider That Inserted Implanona

HEWOther Health ProviderTotalP-value
Removal at or before 3 yearsn=1,062n=430n=1,492
No barriers868 (83.9)368 (90.0)1,236 (86.4).029
Service provider unavailable day of visit47 (3.9)16 (3.7)63 (3.8).88
Service provider unable to provide removalb15 (1.8)4 (0.2)19 (1.1)<.001
Service provider refused to provide removal59 (5.7)21 (2.4)80 (4.3).015
Distance to facility/transportation72 (4.8)12 (2.1)84 (3.6).020
Other barriersc20 (1.9)13 (0.9)33 (2.0).90
Removal more than 3 years after insertion/still insertedn=284n=84n=368
No barriers110 (38.7)38 (34.6)148 (37.8).61
Forgot or did not know removal date89 (32.6)29 (31.4)118 (32.3).88
Service provider unavailable day of visit80 (28.1)15 (25.6)95 (27.6).67
Service provider unable to provide removalb18 (5.8)5 (4.6)23 (5.6).76
Service provider refused to provide removal16 (3.8)7 (6.2)23 (4.3).39
Distance to facility/transportation43 (11.8)2 (9.9)45 (11.4).83
Other barriersc61 (26.7)23 (32.9)84 (28.1).50
  • Abbreviation: HEW, health extension worker.

  • a Frequencies and weighted percentages reported. Respondents could select more than one barrier.

  • b Includes lack of materials to provide removal.

  • c Other barriers include lack of time to go to facility, fear, and cost.