Phone Survey Participants’ Responses on Barriers to Contraceptive Implant Removal and Satisfaction With Services Among Women Who Attempted a Removal by Context, Ghana

Reason women reported they could not get a removal when they wanted tob
    Provider counseled to continue using20.616.7
    Provider not available8.616.7
    Provider would not remove11.510.6
    Provider unable to remove despite trying0.74.6
    Implant not palpable4.413.5
Problems at removal site on armc(n=314)(n=101)
    Temporary pain at time of removal43.646.0
    Pain that lasted a few days43.654.1
    Continue pain5.221.6
    Other unspecified0.05.4
Ease of removal experience (among women who had a removal)(n=314)(n=101)
    Very easy53.055.5
    Somewhat easy20.812.9
    Somewhat difficult17.416.8
    Very difficult8.814.9
  • a Frequencies are unadjusted; percentages and means are adjusted for sampling weights.

  • b Each of these options were asked as a separate yes/no question.

  • c Multiple responses possible, spontaneous mention.