HIV Care Cascade Among Household Contacts and Sexual Partners of Index PLHIV Identified by Community Adolescent Treatment Supporters in 24 Districts of Zimbabwe, October 2017–September 2018 (N=15,223)

No. (%)
HIV Testing Outcome
Contacts Referred for HIV Testing15,223 (100.0)
Contacts tested for HIV12,114 (79.6)
Contacts tested who were HIV-positive1,193 (9.8)
HIV-positive contacts who initiated ART1,153 (96.6)
ART Outcomes
3 months
Alive on ART1,153 (100.0)
6 months
Alive on ART1,151 (99.8)
Died2 (0.2)
12 Months (n=569a)
Alive on ART566 (99.5)
Died2 (0.4)
Lost to follow-up1 (0.2)
Viral suppression (<1000 copies/ml)1,037b (99.3)
  • Abbreviations: ART, antiretroviral therapy; PLHIV, people living with HIV.

  • a Number of contacts eligible for 12-month assessment; People whose duration between ART start date and censor date was less than 12 months were considered not eligible for assessment.

  • b Among 1,044 contacts who had a viral load test at 6 months or later after starting ART.