Number and Proportion of Health Facilities Offering Postabortion Care, by Level, Along With Parameters of Service Availability and Family Planning Integration, as Reported by Maternity In-Charge Respondents

Facility TypeFacilities in CountryaFacilities With PAC ServicesbFacilities With PAC Services Available 24/7Facilities With Any FP Services Provided in PAC UnitFacilities With Both LARC Methods in PAC UnitcFacilities With Both LARC Methods in FP Unit
No.No. (% of total health facilities)No. (% of PAC health facilities)No. (%)No. (%)No. (%)
National hospitals32 (66.7)2 (100.0)2 (100.0)2 (100.0)2 (100.0)
Regional hospitals77 (100.0)7 (100.0)7 (100.0)6 (85.7)7 (100.0)
Prefectural hospitals/municipal medical centers3426 (76.5)26 (100.0)26 (100.0)25 (96.2)26 (100.0)
Urban health centers783 (3.8)1 (33.0)3 (100.0)3 (100.0)3 (100.0)
Rural health centers3340 (0.0)
Total45638 (8.3)36 (94.7)38 (100.0)36 (94.7)38 (100.0)
  • Abbreviations: FP, family planning; LARC, long-acting reversible contraceptive; PAC, postabortion care.

  • a Based on Guinea National Health Management Information System.

  • b One of the urban health centers (in the same town as a prefectural hospital) had PAC services in place in prior years but not during the whole of calendar year 2013, because of the lack of manual vacuum aspiration equipment.

  • c The LARCs available in Guinea are Copper T380A intrauterine devices and Jadelle subdermal implants.