PAC Client Sociodemographic and Reproductive Health Characteristics (N=68)

District, No. (%)
Gisagara29 (43)
Bugesera28 (41)
Kicukiro11 (16)
Number of PAC clients by facility type, No. (%)
District hospital (4)33 (49)
Health center (13)35 (51)
Age, years, mean (range)29.5 (19, 46)
Highest educational level attended, No. (%)
Did not attend school7 (10)
Primary53 (78)
Secondary8 (12)
Has a paid job, No. (%)4 (6)
Marital status, No. (%)
Currently married50 (74)
Not married but living with partner14 (21)
Not married but has boyfriend2 (3)
Single, not in union2 (3)
Has living child(ren), No. (%)47 (69)
Has ever used a contraceptive method, No. (%)48 (71)
Prior contraceptive method used, No. (%)
Oral contraceptives19 (28)
Injectables36 (53)
Male condoms5 (7)
Implants2 (3)
CycleBeads1 (1)
Was using method when became pregnant, No. (%)11 (16)
Future pregnancy plans, No. (%)
Immediately6 (9)
Wait to become pregnant41 (60)
Never want to become pregnant again11 (16)
Do not think can get pregnant9 (13)
Do not know1 (1)
  • Abbreviation: PAC, postabortion care.