Ingredient and Nutrient Composition of Study Foodsa

Cereal/grain, sorghum, g/100 g9.00
Legume, g/100 g
Milk, g/100 g
    Dry, nonfat, regular, without added vitamin A and vitamin D5.0025.00
    Whey protein concentrate 34%20.18
Oil, g/100 g
Sugar, g/100 g25.0024.64
Micronutrient and vitamin premix, g/100 g2.922.96
Emulsifier, g/100 g1.402.00
Energy, kcal/100 g560559
Protein, g/100 g14.515.8
Lipids, g/100 g29.233.0
n-6 fatty acids, g/100 g6.35.7
n-3 fatty acids, g/100 g1.90.03
  • Abbreviation: RUTF, ready-to-use therapeutic food.

  • a Both foods were a soft, brown, homogeneous paste with small granules perceptible to the tongue. They were packaged in identical, unlabeled metalized polyethylene terephthalate sachets with the only marking being a colored dot to indicate the type of RUTF.