Saving Mothers, Giving Life Supplement Articles

Article No.Article Title
1Saving Mothers, Giving Life: it takes a system to save a mother
2Impact of the Saving Mothers, Giving Life approach on decreasing maternal and perinatal deaths in Uganda and Zambia
3Addressing the first delay in Saving Mothers, Giving Life districts in Uganda and Zambia: approaches and results for increasing demand for facility delivery services
4Addressing the second delay in Saving Mothers, Giving Life districts in Uganda and Zambia: reaching appropriate maternal care in a timely manner
5Addressing the third delay in Saving Mothers, Giving Life districts in Uganda and Zambia: ensuring adequate and appropriate facility-based maternal and perinatal health care
6The costs and cost-effectiveness of a district-strengthening strategy to mitigate the 3 delays to quality maternal health care: results from Uganda and Zambia
7Saving lives together: a qualitative evaluation of the Saving Mothers, Giving Life public-private partnership
8Community perceptions of a 3-delays model intervention: a qualitative evaluation of Saving Mothers, Giving Life in Zambia
9Did the Saving Mothers, Giving Life initiative expand timely access to lifesaving care in Uganda? A spatial district-level analysis of travel time to emergency obstetric and newborn care
10Saving Mothers, Giving Life approach for strengthening health systems to reduce maternal and newborn deaths in 7 scale-up districts in northern Uganda
11Sustainability and scale of the Saving Mothers, Giving Life approach in Uganda and Zambia