Follow-Up Outcomes Among Patients Lost to Follow-Up, by Hospital Unit, November 2015–October 2016 (N=1,285)

CCC (n=310)Ward Discharge (n=149)HIV (n=691)TB (n=73)Nutrition (n=62)Total (N= 1,285)
Patients found, No. (%)234 (75)121(81)360 (52)54 (74)47 (76)816 (64)
Recording error (not LTFU), No. (%)39 (17)11 (9)57 (16)4 (7)4 (9)115 (14)
Referred back to KDH clinic, No. (%)142 (61)81 (67)138 (38)36 (67)32 (68)429 (53)
Referred to another clinic, No. (%)10 (4)2 (1)84 (23)1 (2)1 (2)98 (12)
Refused to return, No. (%)2 (1)1 (1)8 (2)1 (2)1 (2)13 (2)
Unable to return (imprisoned, bed-bound), No. (%)2 (1)2 (1)4 (1)0 (0)0 (0)8 (1)
Confirmed dead39 (17)24 (20)69 (19)12 (22)9 (19)153 (19)
Patients not found, No. (%)76 (25)28 (19)331 (48)19 (26)15 (24)469 (36)
Not at home, No. (%)9 (12)3 (11)9 (2)0 (0)1 (7)22 (5)
Could not find home, No. (%)32 (42)15 (54)214 (65)10 (53)8 (53)279 (59)
Moved from Kisoro, No. (%)35 (46)10 (36)108 (33)9 (47)6 (40)168 (36)
  • Abbreviations: CCC, Chronic Care Clinic; KDH, Kisoro District Hospital; TB, tuberculosis.