SMGL Outcomes Associated With Strategies to Reduce the First Delay, by Country, 2011–2016

(Jun 2011–May 2012)
(Jan–Dec 2016)
% Relative ChangeaSignificance Level
    Facilities that reported having an associated VHT (%)b18.391.5+400***
    Institutional delivery rate, all facilities (%)b45.566.8+47***
    Institutional delivery rate, EmONC facilities (%)b28.241.0+45***
    Institutional delivery rate, non-EmONC facilities (%)b17.325.8+49***
    Pregnant women who had 4 or more ANC visits (%)c46.156.7+23***
    Women who had a postpartum care visit within 48 hours (%)c,d15.317.7+16***
    Facilities that reported having an associated SMAG (%)b63.896.3+51***
    Institutional delivery rate, all facilities (%)b62.690.2+44***
    Institutional delivery rate, EmONC facilities (%)b26.029.1+12***
    Institutional delivery rate, non-EmONC facilities (%)b36.761.1+67***
  • Abbreviations: ANC, antenatal care; DHIS2, District Health Information System 2; EmONC, emergency obstetric and newborn care; HFA, health facility assessment; PNC, postnatal care; SMAG, Safe Motherhood Action Group; SMGL, Saving Mothers, Giving Life; VHT, Village Health Team.

  • *** P<.01.

  • a Percentage change calculations are based on unrounded numbers.

  • b HFA data (Uganda N=105 facilities; Zambia N=110 facilities).

  • c DHIS2 data, using estimated live births as denominator.

  • d Baseline data include PNC visits beyond the first 48 hours, so the percentage increase is conservative.