Saving Mothers, Giving Life Partner Roles and Responsibilities, by Geographic Scope
Geographic Scope | |||
Partner | Global | Uganda | Zambia |
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology | Thought leadership on implementation science | Mentorship training of OB/GYN society (USAID) | Support national adoption of uterine balloon tamponade (USAID-supported) |
Every Mother Counts |
| Fund emergency transportation and referral systems | |
Government of Norway | Thought leadership on health information systems | Funded Project C.U.R.E. to provide supplies/equipment | |
Merck for Mothers |
| Strengthen local private health care providers in Uganda |
Project C.U.R.E. | Co-Chair of New Partnership Committee | Ensure availability of critical supplies/equipment for services (funded by USAID and Government of Norway) | |
USAID (lead USG agency) |
| USAID Mission support for postpartum family planning, voucher programs, private-sector services, and quality assurance | USAID Mission support for behavior change efforts, technical training and mentoring, and district coordinators |
State/OGAC | Technical guidance and funding to country teams, outside of the Country Operational Plan funds | CDC and USAID Missions provide HIV/AIDS technical oversight and support to country programs | |
| Lead M&E activities for the country including RAMOS, HFAs, POMS, MDSR, and BABIES (funded by OGAC) | Lead M&E activities for the country census, HFA, MDSR (funded by OGAC) |
U.S. Department of Defense | N/A | N/A |
Peace Corps | Develop training curriculum on MCH for Peace Corps volunteers | N/A | Support community health workers located in SMGL districts |
Abbreviations: BABIES, Birth Weight and Age-at-Death Boxes for Intervention and Evaluation System; CDC, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; HFA, health facility assessment; M&E, monitoring and evaluation; MCH, maternal and child health; MDSR, maternal death surveillance and response; MNH, maternal and neonatal health; OB/GYN, obstetrics and gynecology; OGAC, Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator; POMS, Pregnancy Outcomes Monitoring Survey; RAMOS, Reproductive Age Mortality Study; SMGL, Saving Mothers, Giving Life; USAID, United States Agency for International Development; USG, United States Government.