Total Costs Per District and Sources of Financing

Estimated Total Costsa per SMGL DistrictSources of Financinga
SMGL-Supported DistrictsComparison Districts
    Costs associated with:
        The first delay$300,422$00%100%0%100%0%0%
        The second delay$58,165$40,1232%98%0%100%0%0%
        The third delay$983,364$613,32948%27%24%94%3%3%
        Above community/facility costsb$156,931$00%100%0%100%0%0%
    Total cost$1,498,881$653,45235%49%16%96%2%2%
    Average number of facility deliveries14,4199,947
    Total cost per facility delivery$103.95$65.70
    Costs associated with:
        The first delay$116,590$7,60810%90%N/A52%48%N/A
        The second delay$107,149$10,23940%60%N/A100%0%N/A
        The third delay$799,081$405,23474%26%N/A97%3%N/A
        Above community/facility costsb$161,593$1,6630%100%N/A100%0%N/A
    Total cost$1,184,413$424,74455%45%N/A97%3%N/A
    Average number of facility deliveries6,0444,194
    Total cost per facility delivery$195.98$101.27
  • Abbreviations: N/A, not applicable; SMGL, Saving Mothers, Giving Life.

  • a Results are presented in US 2016 dollars, with capital and start-up costs converted to annual equivalent costs.

  • b Includes costs for offices located in districts, general and office support staff, program vehicles, and other general management and planning activities.