Activities and Interventions Included in the Costing Estimates
Activity or Intervention | Implemented in Uganda, Zambia, or Botha |
Activities targeting delay 1b | |
Train community groups (VHTs and SMAGs) to promote facility delivery and birth preparedness | Uganda and Zambia |
Procure bicycles, equipment, and supplies for community groups | Uganda and Zambia |
Provide financial support to community activities (e.g., funding to attend monthly meetings, supervision costs, community assessment mappings) | Uganda and Zambia |
Produce a documentary about safe motherhood using traditional leaders | Zambia |
Run mass media campaigns on safe motherhood (including development of materials, air time costs, and translation costs), engage community drama groups | Uganda and Zambia |
Identify and engage community change champions in safe motherhood | Zambia |
Provision of revolving Fund for Village Saving Schemes | Uganda |
MNH outreach (project or community staff visits to communities) | Uganda and Zambia |
Activities targeting delay 2b | |
Distribution of subsidized vouchers for transport to delivery in EmONC facilities, public and private(transport to antenatal and postnatal care were added in Phase 2) | Uganda |
Procurement of ambulances, motorcycles, and motorbikes for transportation and referrals | Uganda and Zambia |
District-level transport committees to improve referral | Uganda |
Renovate MWHs near hospitals for high-risk women | Uganda and Zambia, primarily Zambia |
Train MWH staff to operate maternity homes; costs and revenue from income-generating activities; provision of food for those in maternity homes (as applicable) | Zambia |
Activities targeting delay 3b | |
Provide antenatal care | Uganda and Zambia |
Provide basic delivery care | Uganda and Zambia |
Provision of comprehensive emergency care (blood transfusion/cesarean delivery) | Uganda and Zambia |
Upgrade care in neonatal special care units, including purchase of equipment, training, and provision of essential medicines | Uganda and Zambia |
Increase facility EmONC capacity, including purchase of EmONC equipment and provision of essential medicines | Uganda and Zambia |
Establish/expand/refurbish maternity blocks, neonatal special care units, laboratories, pharmacies, and operating theaters | Uganda and Zambia |
Hire new doctors, nurses, and midwives | Uganda and Zambia, primarily Uganda |
Train health workers in essential newborn care and neonatal resuscitation | Uganda and Zambia |
Train doctors in surgical obstetric care and nurses in anesthesia, train/mentor nurses in basic EmONC | Uganda and Zambia |
Other training and mentoring (e.g., rapid syphilis screening, PMTCT, essential newborn care, UBT, maternal and perinatal death reviews) | Uganda and Zambia; UBT in Zambia |
Supervision of frontline workers to maintain/improve skills in obstetrics/newborn care | Uganda and Zambia |
Provide essential medicines | Uganda and Zambia |
Provide training and oversight for maternal death reviews | Uganda and Zambia |
Conduct health facility assessments | Uganda and Zambia |
Health systems strengthening and program managementc | |
Strengthen supply chain through training on procurement and stock management | Uganda and Zambia |
Build capacity of facility staff to supervise community health workers (first delay) | Zambia |
Provide computer-based medical records (SmartCare) | Zambia |
Strengthen pharmacy, laboratory, and blood supply | Uganda and Zambia |
Train health workers in data collection and health information systems (DHIS2) | Uganda and Zambia |
Strengthen program management (staff, vehicles, meetings, workshops, etc., including management of SMGL program, monitoring and evaluation, etc.) (above facility costs) | Uganda and Zambia |
Build provincial and district health team capacity with SMGL-supported staff (above facility costs) | Uganda and Zambia |
↵Abbreviations: DHIS2, district health information system 2; EmONC, emergency obstetric and neonatal care; MNH, maternal and newborn health; MWH, maternity waiting home; PMTCT, prevention of mother-to-child transmission; SMAG, Safe Motherhood Action Group; SMGL, Saving Mothers, Giving Life; UBT, uterine balloon tamponade; VHT, Village Health Team.
a In countries shown in boldface, the activities were conducted in both SMGL and comparison districts, although frequently at lower intensity/scale in comparison districts than in SMGL districts. Source: Interviews with implementing partners and district and provincial health office staff.
↵b Primary delay addressed refers to which of the 3 delays the activities is assumed to mainly address (since some of the inputs/activities may address more than one).
↵c Categorized as primarily addressing the third delay unless otherwise noted.