Activities and Interventions Included in the Costing Estimates

Activity or InterventionImplemented in Uganda, Zambia, or Botha
Activities targeting delay 1b
    Train community groups (VHTs and SMAGs) to promote facility delivery and birth preparednessUganda and Zambia
    Procure bicycles, equipment, and supplies for community groupsUganda and Zambia
    Provide financial support to community activities (e.g., funding to attend monthly meetings, supervision costs, community assessment mappings)Uganda and Zambia
    Produce a documentary about safe motherhood using traditional leadersZambia
    Run mass media campaigns on safe motherhood (including development of materials, air time costs, and translation costs), engage community drama groupsUganda and Zambia
    Identify and engage community change champions in safe motherhoodZambia
    Provision of revolving Fund for Village Saving SchemesUganda
    MNH outreach (project or community staff visits to communities)Uganda and Zambia
Activities targeting delay 2b
    Distribution of subsidized vouchers for transport to delivery in EmONC facilities, public and private(transport to antenatal and postnatal care were added in Phase 2)Uganda
    Procurement of ambulances, motorcycles, and motorbikes for transportation and referralsUganda and Zambia
    District-level transport committees to improve referralUganda
    Renovate MWHs near hospitals for high-risk womenUganda and Zambia, primarily Zambia
    Train MWH staff to operate maternity homes; costs and revenue from income-generating activities; provision of food for those in maternity homes (as applicable)Zambia
Activities targeting delay 3b
    Provide antenatal careUganda and Zambia
    Provide basic delivery careUganda and Zambia
    Provision of comprehensive emergency care (blood transfusion/cesarean delivery)Uganda and Zambia
    Upgrade care in neonatal special care units, including purchase of equipment, training, and provision of essential medicinesUganda and Zambia
    Increase facility EmONC capacity, including purchase of EmONC equipment and provision of essential medicinesUganda and Zambia
    Establish/expand/refurbish maternity blocks, neonatal special care units, laboratories, pharmacies, and operating theatersUganda and Zambia
    Hire new doctors, nurses, and midwivesUganda and Zambia, primarily Uganda
    Train health workers in essential newborn care and neonatal resuscitationUganda and Zambia
    Train doctors in surgical obstetric care and nurses in anesthesia, train/mentor nurses in basic EmONCUganda and Zambia
    Other training and mentoring (e.g., rapid syphilis screening, PMTCT, essential newborn care, UBT, maternal and perinatal death reviews)Uganda and Zambia; UBT in Zambia
    Supervision of frontline workers to maintain/improve skills in obstetrics/newborn careUganda and Zambia
    Provide essential medicinesUganda and Zambia
    Provide training and oversight for maternal death reviewsUganda and Zambia
    Conduct health facility assessmentsUganda and Zambia
Health systems strengthening and program managementc
    Strengthen supply chain through training on procurement and stock managementUganda and Zambia
    Build capacity of facility staff to supervise community health workers (first delay)Zambia
    Provide computer-based medical records (SmartCare)Zambia
    Strengthen pharmacy, laboratory, and blood supplyUganda and Zambia
    Train health workers in data collection and health information systems (DHIS2)Uganda and Zambia
    Strengthen program management (staff, vehicles, meetings, workshops, etc., including management of SMGL program, monitoring and evaluation, etc.) (above facility costs)Uganda and Zambia
    Build provincial and district health team capacity with SMGL-supported staff (above facility costs)Uganda and Zambia
  • Abbreviations: DHIS2, district health information system 2; EmONC, emergency obstetric and neonatal care; MNH, maternal and newborn health; MWH, maternity waiting home; PMTCT, prevention of mother-to-child transmission; SMAG, Safe Motherhood Action Group; SMGL, Saving Mothers, Giving Life; UBT, uterine balloon tamponade; VHT, Village Health Team.

  • a In countries shown in boldface, the activities were conducted in both SMGL and comparison districts, although frequently at lower intensity/scale in comparison districts than in SMGL districts. Source: Interviews with implementing partners and district and provincial health office staff.

  • b Primary delay addressed refers to which of the 3 delays the activities is assumed to mainly address (since some of the inputs/activities may address more than one).

  • c Categorized as primarily addressing the third delay unless otherwise noted.