Indicators and Data on Community Norms

% change in institutional delivery rate (2012–2016)47% increase
(from 45.5% to 67%)
44% increase
(from 63% to 90%)
# trained SMAGs/VHTs reporting to health center (cumulative individuals trained from baseline)11,18913,658
# of change championsN/A35023
% of all institutional deliveries in SMGL-supported original districts supported by transport vouchers (2012–2016)24%N/A
% change in number of facilities with a maternal waiting shelter from 2012 to 2016N/A69% increase
  • Abbreviations: HFA, health facility assessment; N/A, not available; SMGL, Saving Mothers, Giving Life; VHT, village health team.

  • aData from HFAs unless otherwise noted.