Primary and Secondary Outcomes, by Type of Service Provider Performing the Procedure

OutcomeClinical OfficerAssistant Medical OfficerOR (95% CI)P Value
Primary outcome
Major AEs, n/N (%)0/978 (0.0)1/984 (0.1)0.0005 (0.00007, 0.0036).32
Secondary outcomes
Major and minor AEs at different time points during the study, n/N (%)
Intraoperatively0/978 (0.0)0/984 (0.0)NANA
Immediately postoperative0/978 (0.0)0/984 (0.0)NANA
3 days postoperative1/969 (0.1)0/976 (0.0)0.0005 (0.000072, 0.0036).32
7 days postoperative2/976 (0.2)3/975 (0.3)1.5 (0.3, 8.9).66
Unscheduled postoperative visitsa1/4 (25.0)3/13 (23.1)0.80 (0.2, 3.0).94
Performance of tubal occlusion by minilaparotomy
Time to complete procedure, minutes, mean (SD [range])26.0 (1.0 [14, 65])26.0 (1.0 [15, 90)NA.42
Requested verbal instruction from the supervisor due to difficulty performing the procedure,b n/N (%)15/978 (1.5)20/984 (2.0)0.75 (0.36, 1.56).40
Requested the supervisor assist with the procedure,c n/N (%)14/978 (1.4)13/984 (1.3)1.08 (0.47, 2.52).80
Inability to complete procedure,d n/N (%)2/978 (0.2)0/984 (0.0)NA.25
Maximum pain during procedure,e mean (SD)4.12 (2.4)4.11 (2.4)NA.98
Participant very satisfied with minilaparotomy, n/N (%)834/969 (86.1)831/976 (85.1)1.01 (0.88, 1.15).34
Self-efficacy of providers in performing minilaparotomy,f mean (SD)
General self-efficacy32.3 (6.1)31.3 (7.5)NA.79
Confidence10.9 (0.9)11.5 (0.8)NA.21
Comfort11.4 (0.5)10.9 (1.7)NA.41
  • Abbreviations: AE, adverse event; CI, confidence interval; NA, not applicable; OR, odds ratio; SD, standard deviation.

  • a All AEs observed during unscheduled visits occurred between Days 2 and 6 postoperatively.

  • b Most of these cases (n=21; 60.0%) involved difficulty locating or delivering the fallopian tube(s) due to obesity, adhesions, or unspecified reasons. Other reasons included unsettled/restless participant, abnormal uterus, difficulty placing the uterine elevator, and difficulty finding the uterus after the incision was made.

  • c These cases are a subset of those where verbal instruction was requested by the provider.

  • d In 1 case, the participant was unsettled because the procedure was taking a long time. She asked that they stop. In the other case, adhesions made delivering the right fallopian tube a problem. It was not possible to complete the procedure.

  • e 0=no pain, 10=worst pain possible.

  • f General self-efficacy scale: 10=lower self-efficacy, 40=higher; confidence and comfort scales: 3=lower confidence or comfort, 12=higher.