Exploratory Factor Analysis (Test 1)

DomainsGlobal Components
Component 1: Ethical, Professional, and Collaborative PartnershipComponent 2: Capacity Strengthening and PlanningComponent 3: Structural and Social Determinants of HealthComponent 4: Strategic Analysis
D1. Global burden of disease
D2. Globalization of health and health care
D3. Social and environmental determinants of health
D4. Capacity strengthening
D5. Collaboration, partnering, and communication
D6. Ethics
D7. Professional practice
D8. Health equity and social justice
D9. Program management
D10. Sociocultural and political awareness
D11. Strategic analysis
  • Extraction method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Refer to Table 2 for a full list of the 2 competencies included under each of the 11 domains.