Cumulative Results From Pilot Introduction of DMPA-SC Across 4 Countries, 2014–2016

Burkina FasoNigerSenegalUganda
No. of DMPA-SC doses administered194,96543,801120,861130,673
% of DMPA-SC doses administered to new users254224a29
% of DMPA-SC doses administered to adolescent girls and young women
    <20 years old-168a12
    20–24 years old-3426a32
    <25 years old-5034a44
% of DMPA-SC doses administered to clients switching from:
(8 public;
2 NGO)
    Other modern methods besides DMPA-IM17
(18 public;
9 NGO)
    Any modern method24
(26 public;
11 NGO)
Proportion of DMPA-SC relative to DMPA-IM where offered in parallel
    At the community levelb--7275
    At all levels16-30-
% of health facilities reporting a stock-out of DMPA-SC (highest reported)6770<29
  • Abbreviations: DMPA-IM, intramuscular depot medroxyprogesterone acetate; DMPA-SC, subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone acetate.

  • - Data not available.

  • a Senegal data derived from the sentinel sites.

  • b DMPA-SC available only at the community level in Niger and Uganda.