Total and Average Annual Gains in mCPR, Implant CPR, and Implant Share of Method Mix Among Married Women in the 7 Countries With at Least 3 Surveys Between 2013–14 and 2016–17

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8
Country and Data SourcemCPR (%)Total Gain in mCPR (pp), First to Latest SurveyAverage Annual Gain in mCPR (pp)Implant CPR (%)Total Gain in implant CPR (pp), First to Latest SurveyAverage Annual Gain in Implant CPR (pp)Implant's Share of Current Modern Method Mix (%)
Kenya PMA R5 201659.96.53.2518.18.34.1530.2
Kenya PMA R3 201558.813.823.4
Kenya PMA R1 201453.49.818.3
Burkina Faso PMA R4 201624.66.63.3011.83.61.8048.1
Burkina Faso PMA R2 201520.17.939.5
Burkina Faso PMA R1 201418.08.245.5
DRC/K PMA R5 201623.44.91.636.75.11.7028.6
DRC/K PMA R3 201520.43.718.2
DRC/K PMA R1 201318.51.68.6
Uganda PMA R5 201733.98.32.777.13.81.2720.8
Uganda PMA R3 201530.04.916.4
Uganda PMA R1 201425.63.312.8
Senegal DHS 201623.12.81.407.12.31.1530.7
Senegal DHS 201521.25.224.5
Senegal DHS 201420.34.823.6
Ghana PMA R5 201625.87.42.475.93.01.0022.9
Ghana PMA R3 201421.43.717.4
Ghana PMA R1 201318.42.915.8
Ethiopia PMA R5 201735.21.40.478.32.90.9723.7
Ethiopia PMA R3 201535.87.520.9
Ethiopia PMA R1 201433.85.416.0
  • Abbreviations: CPR, contraceptive prevalence rate; DHS, Demographic and Health Survey; DRC/K, Democratic Republic of the Congo/Kinshasa only; mCPR, modern contraceptive prevalence rate; PMA, Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020; pp, percentage point; R, round.

  • Notes: Upper entries are latest surveys available online as of December 31, 2017. Table ordered according to average annual gain in implant CPR (Column 7).