Rapid and Substantial Gains in Implant Use, Share of Method Mix, and Contribution to mCPR Gains, Married Women, All Countries With PMA2020 Family Planning Briefs Posted Online in January and February 2018

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8
Country and Data SourcemCPR (%)Implant CPR (%)Implant Share of Method Mix (%)Injectable CPR (%)Injectable Share of Method Mix (%)mCPR Annual Gain, 2016 to 2017 (pp)Implant CPR Annual Gain, 2016 to 2017 (pp)
DRC/K PMA R6 201726.710.137.95.2a19.5a3.33.4
DRC/K PMA R5 201623.46.728.63.1a13.3a
Ghana PMA R6 201727.48.430.77.828.51.62.5
Ghana PMA R5 201625.85.923.08.432.6
Niger PMA R2 201718.
Niger PMA R1 201614.41.711.95.034.9
  • Abbreviations: CPR, contraceptive prevalence rate; DMPA, depot medroxyprogesterone acetate; DRC/K, Democratic Republic of the Congo/Kinshasa only; mCPR, modern contraceptive prevalence rate; PMA, Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020; pp, percentage point; R, round.

  • a Sum of the intramuscular DMPA injectable and the subcutaneous injectable Sayana Press.