Criteria for Tobacco-Free Villagesa

Criterion No.Description of CriterionCorresponding Section of COTPA or Guidelines for Tobacco-Free Educational Institutions
1Signboards that say “No Smoking Area: Smoking and tobacco chewing are offenses here,” of 60 x 30 cm size, should be displayed at main public places.Section 3 of the COTPA enforces warnings on signboards displayed prominently at the entrances of and inside public premises.
2No smoking or chewing of tobacco inside the village by children, young people, men, women, aged, and other members/visitors.Rule 3 of the Guidelines for Tobacco-Free Educational Institutions prohibits smoking or chewing of tobacco inside the premises of institutions.
3Direct and indirect advertisements of tobacco products are banned in the village.Section 5 of the COTPA prohibits advertisement of tobacco products.
4Display of posters on harmful effects of tobacco at prominent points in the village.Section 3 of the COTPA.
5A copy of the COTPA shall be available with the head of village council and made available at any time for all villagers.Rule 6 of the Guidelines for Tobacco-Free Educational Institutions requires a copy of the COTPA to be available from the head of the institution.
6No sale and purchase of tobacco products inside the village and mandatory signage shall be displayed prominently near the main gate and on boundary wall of the village.Rule 2 of the Guidelines for Tobacco-Free Educational Institutions prohibits the sale of tobacco products inside the premises of and within a radius of 100 yards from educational institutions; it requires mandatory signage in this regard to be displayed prominently near the main gate and on the boundary wall of the institution.
7The village council should pass the resolution to implement the COTPA in the village and strictly follow its provisions.Not applicable.
8A tobacco control committee must be instituted in the village; it can be chaired by the village council head, and should include 2 members of the village council, a teacher, at least 2 parent representatives, a member of the school management committee and village council, and local police. The committee should monitor the tobacco control initiatives of the village, meet quarterly, and report to the block-level administration.Rule 7 of the Guidelines for Tobacco-Free Educational Institutions requires the setting up of a tobacco control committee, which is chaired by the school head/principal and comprised of a school teacher and counsellor (if available), at least two students, at least two parent representatives, a local member of the legislative assembly, the Municipal Councillor, and members of community-based organizations. The committee is to monitor the tobacco control initiatives of the village, meet quarterly, and report to the district administration.
9All prominent groups such as self-help groups, youth mandals (groups), NGOs, schools, women's groups, local committees, and school management committees should be tobacco free and take initiative to make the village tobacco free.Emerged from discussion with village-level stakeholders.
10Visitors/outsiders cannot carry tobacco products when they enter the village.Emerged from discussion with village-level stakeholders.
11The village council must take up tobacco-control initiatives, including following up on the TfV process during meetings and prohibiting visitors from consuming tobacco in the village.Rule 8 of the Guidelines for Tobacco-Free Educational Institutions requires the integration of tobacco-control activities with the ongoing School Health Programme of the State.
  • Abbreviations: COTPA, Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act; SMF, Salaam Mumbai Foundation; TfV, Tobacco-free Village.

  • a Developed by Salaam Mumbai Foundation and village-level stakeholders, based on the COTPA (2003)12 and Guidelines for Tobacco-Free Educational Institutions (2009).19