Delivery Outcomes and Use of Delivery and Complication Case Sheets, Selected Districts of Karnataka, India, November 2013 to October 2014

ParametersIntervention (N = 6452 deliveries)Comparison (N = 6329 deliveries)P Value
No. (%) of completed and analyzable records5615 (87.0)5204 (82.2)<.05
No. (%) of deliveries
    Spontaneous vaginal4369 (77.8)3496 (67.2)<.05
    Ventouse/forceps82 (1.5)64 (1.2).86
    Cesarean423 (7.5)621 (11.9)<.05
No. of stillbirths (rate per 1,000 births)62 (9.6)79 (12.4).87
No. of fresh stillbirths (% of total stillbirths)15 (24.2)24 (30.4).52
No. (%) of complications recorded
    PIH229 (3.5)331 (5.2).35
    PPH69 (1.1)41 (0.6).44
    Birth asphyxia107 (1.7)104 (1.6).98
No. of complication case sheets completed (% of complications recorded)
    PIH179 (78.2)172 (52.0)<.05
    PPH51 (73.9)26 (63.4).56
    Birth asphyxia99 (92.5)88 (84.6).09
  • Abbreviations: PIH, pregnancy-induced hypertension; PPH, postpartum hemorrhage.