Attendance at LAUNCH Community Groups and Travel to Food Distribution Points, by Quarter, Liberia, April 2012–June 2014

% Participating in Care Group or Mother Groupa% With a Family Member Participating in Farmer Group% Traveling More Than 1 Hour to FDP
Quarter 130930
Quarter 2421538
Quarter 3461824
Quarter 4602025
Quarter 5913128
Quarter 6784116
Quarter 7b982511
Quarter 8b922927
Quarter 9b983014
  • Abbreviations: FDP, food distribution point; LAUNCH, Liberia Agricultural Upgrading Nutrition and Child Health project.

  • a Participation in one of these groups was a prerequisite for receiving food rations. A mother group is a group of women that meets under the leadership of one lead mother. A Care Group is a group of lead mothers (around 20) that participates in training.

  • b In quarters 7, 8, and 9, the point of contact shifted to household level.