Surveyed Facilities Requiring a Prescription for Clients to Receive a Contraceptive Method in Selected Urban Areas, by Facility Type and Country, 2010/2011

Nigerian PharmaciesNigerian Drug ShopsKenyan Pharmacies/Drug Shops
No. Providing Method (% Requiring Rx)No. Providing Method (% Requiring Rx)No. Providing Method (% Requiring Rx)
Injectable289 (41.9)97 (55.7)149 (56.4)
Combined oral pill318 (39.3)313 (39.0)215 (25.1)
Progestin only pill18 (55.6)9 (44.4)32 (34.4)
Emergency contraceptives292 (33.2)183 (29.5)203 (10.8)
Male condom410 (14.2)474 (12.2)205 (1.0)
Female condom132 (14.4)68 (5.9)13 (0.0)
Spermicide6 (33.3)2 (100.0)NA
  • Abbreviation: Rx, prescription.