TABLE 2 Discontinuation and Loss to Follow-Up, by Provider (Nā€Š=ā€Š1,432)
Second InjectionThird InjectionTotal After 3 Injections
TBA ClientsAPE ClientsTBA ClientsAPE ClientsAll Clients
Received injection, No. (%)627 (80.2)442 (68.1)*716 (91.6)445 (68.6)*1,161 (81.1)
Discontinued, No. (%) (did not receive injection)11 (1.4)89 (13.7)*5 (0.006)69 (10.6)*74 (5.2)
Lost to follow-up, No. (%) (includes missing data)144 (18.4)118 (18.2)61 (7.8)135 (20.8)*197 (13.8)
Total number of clients at enrollment7826497826491,432
  • Abbreviations: APE, agente polivalente elementare (polyvalent elementary health worker); TBA, traditional birth attendant.

  • Note: Percentages include missing, not shown. One client of the total recruited was missing provider information.

  • * P<.05 for comparison of TBA vs. APE.