TABLE 2 Outcomes Among All Admitted Patients by EVD Status, Sex, Age, and Location, Liberia and Sierra Leone, September 15, 2014, to September 15, 2015
EVD+ RecoveredEVD+ DeceasedaEVD+ TransferredEVD+ TotalEVD- DischargedEVD- DeceasedEVD- TotalAll Patients
All patients197 (8.4)268 (11.4)5 (0.2)470 (20.0)1,725 (73.4)156 (6.6)1,881 (80)2,351 (100)
 Men76 (6.1)107 (8.5)3 (0.2)190 (15.2)959 (76.6)97 (7.7)1,062 (84.8)1,252 (53.4)
 Women118 (10.8)159 (14.6)2 (0.2)279 (25.6)754 (69.1)58 (5.3)812 (74.4)1,091 (46.6)
Age, yearsb
 0 to < 11 (1.9)13 (24.5)0 (0.0)14 (26.4)36 (67.9)3 (5.7)39 (73.6)53 (2.3)
 1 to 44 (2.4)28 (16.5)0 (0.0)32 (18.8)127 (74.7)11 (6.5)138 (81.2)170 (7.3)
 5 to 1436 (15.5)29 (12.4)1 (0.4)66 (28.3)158 (67.8)9 (3.9)167 (71.7)233 (10.0)
 15 to 2444 (10.8)27 (6.7)1 (0.2)72 (17.7)312 (76.8)22 (5.4)334 (82.3)406 (17.4)
 25 to 3445 (8.1)42 (7.6)2 (0.4)89 (16.1)434 (78.5)30 (5.4)464 (83.9)553 (23.6)
 35 to 4433 (8.8)53 (14.2)1 (0.3)87 (23.3)260 (69.5)27 (7.2)287 (76.7)374 (16.0)
 45 to 5417 (5.8)36 (12.3)0 (0.0)53 (18.1)214 (73.0)26 (8.9)240 (81.9)293 (12.5)
 ≥ 5516 (6.2)40 (15.5)0 (0.0)56 (21.7)175 (67.8)27 (10.5)202 (78.3)258 (11.0)
 Sierra Leone114 (7.5)173 (11.4)5 (0.3)292 (19.2)1,122 (73.6)110 (7.2)1,232 (80.8)1,524 (64.8)
 Liberia83 (10.0)95 (11.5)0 (0.0)178 (21.5)603 (72.9)46 (5.6)649 (78.5)827 (35.2)
  • Abbreviation: EVD, Ebola virus disease.

  • All data reported as No. (%).

  • a Patients with suspected EVD (n = 14) included in EVD+ deceased.

  • b Missing values not included.