Maternal and Newborn Knowledge and Skills of Providers, Selected Districts of Karnataka, India, Before (August 2013) and After (September 2014) the Skills and Drills Intervention

ParameterInterventionComparisonP Value
Mean (SD)%Mean (SD)%
Knowledge scoresa
Pre-testN = 73N = 36
    Obstetric (maximum score = 29)14.2 (4.3)4915.2 (3.6)52.21
    Newborn (maximum score = 21)10.2 (3.9)4811 (3.0)52.30
Post-testN = 50N = 36
    Obstetric (maximum score = 29)16.4 (4.3)5716.6 (3.9)57.84
    Newborn (maximum score = 21)11.6 (3.3)5610.4 (3.3)49.09
OSCE scores
Post-testN = 50N = 35
    Obstetric (maximum score = 50)27.5 (4.9)5522.9 (5.8)46<.001
    Newborn (maximum score = 50)29 (5.2)5824.2 (6.2)48<.001
  • Abbreviations: OSCE, objective structured clinical examination; SD, standard deviation.

  • a There was a significant increase between pre- and post-test knowledge scores in the intervention group for both obstetric content (49% vs. 57%, respectively; P=.006) and newborn content (48% vs. 56%, respectively; P=.034). In contrast, there were no significant changes between pre- and post-test knowledge scores in the comparison group: obstetric content (52% vs. 57%, respectively; P=.12); newborn content (52% vs. 49%, respectively; P=.42).