TABLE 6. Multinomial Logit Coefficient Estimates and Estimated Program (Interaction) Effect for LARC/PM Use and Other Method Use, Mayer Hashi Evaluation, 2013 (N = 37,902)
LARCs/PMsOther Methods
CoefficientSEP ValueCoefficientSEP Value
Program (ref: nonprogram)–0.0840.088.34–0.2430.049<.001
Year 2013 (ref: 2010)0.6160.157<.0010.1450.070.04
 Program X Year–0.3590.182.05–0.2230.093.02
Age, years (ref: 25–29)
Education (ref: no education)
 Primary incomplete0.2420.110.030.1890.057.001
 Primary complete–0.1640.127.200.2730.053<.001
 Secondary incomplete–0.2760.140.050.2310.061<.001
 Secondary complete or higher–0.5890.197.0030.2790.085.001
Wealth quintile (ref: lowest)
Religion (ref: Muslim)
Sector (ref: rural)
Program effecta
 Interaction effect–0.0170.011.14–0.0380.021.07
  • Abbreviations: LARC, long-acting reversible contraceptive; PM, permanent method; SE, standard error.

  • a Estimated from the predicted probabilities of LARC/PM use or other method use obtained from the model for each program area by survey year combination, in line with the difference-in-difference approach to estimate program impact, as described in the main body of the article.