Type of IEC Material | Mtwara | Lindi | Ruvuma | Total |
Community posters (Tushirikiane Kutokomeza Malaria) | 4,878 | 3,738 | 3,000 | 11,616 |
School posters (Mwanafunzi Shiriki) | 3,975 | 3,025 | 3,700 | 10,700 |
Multiplication tables | 64,125 | 45,600 | 70,775 | 180,500 |
Patapata posters | 3,225 | 2,400 | 3,725 | 9,350 |
Comic brochures | 166,667 | 166,667 | 166,666 | 500,000 |
Patapata notebooks | 5,285 | 10,220 | 9,905 | 25,410 |
Patapata notebooks for radio station | 5 | 5 | 5 | 15 |
Teacher cue cards | 1,935 | 1,440 | 2,235 | 5,610 |
Community change agents cue cards (Dondoo za Majadiliano) | 302 | 282 | 284 | 868 |
Abbreviations: IEC, information, education, and communication; SNP2, School Net Program – Round 2.