TABLE 1 Coding Scheme to Describe Messages Posted by WhatsApp Learning Group Participants, Kibera and Makueni, Kenya, August 19, 2014 – March 1, 2015– (N = 1,830 Posts, Codes Listed in Alphabetical Order)
CodeDescriptionNo. of PostsaCodeDescriptionNo. of Postsa
Chain letterGeneric message forwarded to members12Mobile appReferences to child developmental milestones or the project app46
ClarificationsCorrections to a prior post11Mobile phoneOperational aspects of using mobile phones113
Community developmentCommunity mobilization efforts in Kibera or Makueni35Moral supportCondolences and encouragement in response to challenges or hardships133
DisabilityDocumentation of disabled child’s developmental milestones111Mutual learningInformal learning, peer learning, and knowledge exchange108
Encouragement and praiseEncouragement and praise in response to a prior post281Other health initiativesReferences to health programs other than childhood disability, malnutrition, or water and sanitation110
EvidenceDocumentation of CHW practice14Other mediaPosts containing only icons, videos, or audio and exclusive of text19
Follow-upResponses to a prior post or event120PhotosPosts of photos411
Fundraising and donationsCollection or distribution of money or objects16Photo captionsPosts containing descriptions of photos183
GreetingsHellos, welcome messages, and holiday wishes215ReferralReferrals of patients to CHEW or health facility79
Health educationCHW efforts to educate community31ReligionBible verses, blessings, and other references to faith108
Household visitsEncounters during CHW household visits51ReportingCHW descriptions of patient encounters or community work100
InspirationWords to motivate forum participants48ReprimandPosts that discipline or challenge other WhatsApp participants16
Job offers and professional developmentEmployment announcements and outside training22Requesting informationSolicitation of additional information from others83
Kibera-Makueni exchangeCommunication between Kibera & Makueni participants137SecurityReferences to community violence, fires, or other disturbances4
KenyaNation building8ServiceStatements about community service6
Logistics and planningTime, date, location, and agenda of meetings and other events186ThanksExpressions of gratitude304
MalnutritionDescriptions of work with malnourished children16TrainingFormal learning opportunities122
mLearn projectReferences to the mLearn project and its site visits, conferences and training activities297Water and sanitationInitiatives to promote clean water and hygiene42
  • a More than 1 code may have been assigned to any 1 post, so percentages will not total to 100%.