TABLE 1 Baseline Characteristics of Study Participants in India (N = 80)
No. (%)
Age, years
 18–208 (10)
 21–3065 (81)
 >307 (9)
No. of living children
 123 (29)
 235 (44)
 ≥322 (27)
Gestation at delivery, weeks
 32–3720 (25)
 >3760 (75)
Timing of contraceptive counseling
 Prenatal8 (10)
 Early labor47 (59)
 Postpartum (up to 48 hours post-delivery)25 (31)
Duration of membrane rupture, hours
 <666 (83)
 6–1213 (16)
 >121 (1)
Type of delivery
 Normal vaginal31 (39)
 Normal vaginal with episiotomy47 (59)
 Assisted vaginal (vacuum, forceps)2 (2)
Time interval between delivery and PPIUD insertion, hours
 <149 (61)
 1–626 (33)
 >65 (6)