TABLE 4 Characteristics of Women Seeking IUD Removal Services (N=165)
No. (%)No. (%)
RegionNo. of previous pregnancies
 Oromia63 (38.2) 023 (13.9)
 Tigray30 (27.9) 136 (21.8)
 Amhara46 (18.2) 2–471 (43.0)
 SNNPR26 (15.8) >427 (16.4)
Residence Missing8 (4.8)
 Rural87 (52.7) Mean (SD)2.6 (2.3)
 Urban78 (47.3)Ever given birtha
Marital status Yes130 (91.5)
 Married/living together140 (84.8) No5 (3.5)
 Never married10 (6.1) Missing7 (4.9)
 Divorced/separated/widowed5 (3.0)No. of living childrenb
 Missing10 (6.1) 136 (27.7)
Religion 2–472 (55.4)
 Orthodox106 (64.2) >422 (16.9)
 Protestant27 (16.4) Mean (SD)2.9 (1.9)
 Muslim22 (13.3)Duration of IUD use, months
 Catholic2 (1.2) <632 (19.4)
 Missing8 (4.8) 6–1218 (10.9)
Educational level 13–2429 (17.6)
 No education61 (37.0) 25–3623 (13.9)
 Primary47 (28.5) 37–6022 (13.3)
 Secondary34 (20.6) 61–8412 (7.3)
 More than secondary16 (9.7) >8410 (6.1)
 Missing7 (4.2) Missing19 (11.5)
Age Mean (SD)30.5 (31.3)
 <209 (5.5)
 20–2434 (20.6)
 25–2949 (29.7)
 30–3432 (19.4)
 >3434 (20.6)
 Missing7 (4.2)
 Mean (SD)28.5 (6.7)
  • Abbreviations: IUD, intrauterine device; SD, standard deviation; SNNPR, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region.

  • a Denominator is 142 women who had previously been pregnant.

  • b Denominator is 130 women who had ever given birth.