Project Costs by Activity for Each Study Location in the Base Case, Southwest Mali

Activities and IngredientsBafoulabéKayesKita
Trainings subtotal, US$ (% of total)26791 (15.3)34199 (6.3)62092 (7.4)
 CHW sites
  Cost of training staff3903.5 (2.2)5171.1 (1)10908.4 (1.3)
  Cost of room rental, materials, and supplies1485 (0.8)1869 (0.3)3576.0 (0.4)
  Per diem and transport19959.9 (11.4)23930.8 (4.4)44242.0 (5.3)
 Training of health center directors1442.3 (0.9)3228.0 (0.6)3365.4 (0.4)
Supervision subtotal, US$ (% of total)27819 (15.9)174551.1 (32.3)232047.8 (27.5)
 Action Against Hunger staff timea12788.8 (7.3)138635.7 (25.6)154373.6 (18.3)
 Directorate of Health and community health association staff timea3304.4 (1.9)2434.0 (0.5)8309.5 (1.0)
 Health center staff timeb8704.2 (5.0)9451.6 (1.7)23146.7 (2.8)
 Transport, communication, supplies3021.6 (1.7)10603.6 (2.0)22705.3 (2.7)
 Per diem and accommodation0.08096.7 (1.5)18183.1 (2.1)
 Supervisor meetings0.05329.5 (1.0)5329.5 (0.6)
Direct treatment costs subtotal, US$ (% of total)89658.4 (51.1)183721.8 (34.0)323047.8 (38.7)
 Health center staff salaries29508.5 (16.8)57377.7 (10.6)97173.1 (11.5)
 CHW salaries3705.6 (2.1)3867.0 (0.7)14638.0 (1.7)
 RUTFs and medicine41244.0 (23.5)92692.0 (17.2)154657.0 (18.4)
 Health center costs (space and upkeep)2090.7 (1.2)5391.80 (1.0)6025.82 (0.7)
 CHW site costs (space and upkeep)572.2 (0.3)966.8 (0.2)3187.9 (0.4)
 Active case finding0.0 (0)1465.6 (0.3)2845.0 (0.3)
 Materials and supplies12537.4(7.2)21960.9 (4.1)47752.7 (5.7)
Supply logistics subtotal, US$ (% of total)14315 (8.2)14932 (2.8)22257 (2.6)
 Personnel818.3 (0.5)618.0 (0.1)1422.2 (0.2)
 Transport (RUTF)8021.2 (4.6)9685.9 (1.8)14756.4 (1.8)
 Storage of supplies5475.6 (3.1)4628.5 (0.9)6078.2 (0.7)
Coordination meetings of the steering and technical committee, US$ (% of total)8467 (4.8)8426 (1.6)8500 (1.0)
 Personnel5744.2 (3.2)5677.2 (1.1)5744.2 (0.7)
 Room rental, per diem, accommodation1719.9 (1.0)1719.9 (0.3)1719.9 (0.2)
 Transport1003.1(0.6)1028.7 (0.2)1035.7 (0.1)
Action Against Hunger support costs, US$ (% of total)8324 (4.8)124440 (23.0)191910 (22.8)
 Personnel8317.7 (4.7)107755.0 (19.9)164433.2 (19.5)
 Per diem and accommodation0.0 (0)1535.0 (0.3)1445.0 (0.2)
 Transport0.0 (0)7002.8 (1.3)13357.3 (1.6)
 Office costs5.8 (<0.1)8147.4 (1.5)12.674.2 (1.5)
Total, US$ (% of total)175373.8 (100)540270.6 (100)843084.6 (100)
Cost to Action Against Hunger50610 (28.9)330506.63 (61.2)458443.4 (54.3)
Cost to other international NGOs and UN agenciesc63196.4 (36.0)119893.6 (22.2)216855. (25.7)
Cost to the government, community health association, and community61567.5 (35.1)89870.4 (16.6)167786.7 (19.9)
  • Abbreviations: CHW, community health worker; NGO, nongovernmental organization; RUTF, ready-to-use therapeutic food; UN, United Nations.

  • aIncludes supervision to CHW sites and support/supervision of health centers.

  • bSupervision of CHW sites only.

  • cThese include Save the Children, Population Services International, and UNICEF.