Distribution of Financial Contributiona to Family Planning Special Days in Francophone West Africa by City and Source, July 2020–June 2021

CountryCityCity Contribution, FCFA (%)TCI Contribution, FCFA (%)Total Contribution, FCFA
Côte d'IvoireAbidjan9671200 (39)15274000 (61)24945200
Bouake6090000 (39)9450000 (61)15540000
Subtotal15761200 (39)24724000 (61)40485200
BeninUCOZ4500000 (32)9652350 (68)14152350
Abomey-Calavi2279720 (41)3343200 (59)5622920
Cotonou5046800 (44)6474400 (56)11521200
Subtotal11826520 (38)19469950 (62)31296470
NigerNiamey11735400 (53)10350000 (47)22085400
Burkina FasoOuagadougou850000 (5)15550000 (95)16400000
Koudougou1539991 (23)5050000 (77)6589991
Subtotal2389991 (10)20600000 (90)22989991
SenegalZiguinchor6663265 (37)11585375 (63)18248640
Nioro2846800 (28)7430000 (72)10276800
Subtotal9510065 (33)19015375 (67)28525440
Total51223176 (35)94159325 (65)145382501
  • Abbreviations: FCFA, West African CFA franc; TCI, The Challenge Initiative; UCOZ, Union of Zou Municipalities.

  • a 611 West African CFA francs=US$1.