Indicators Used in Analysis of Family Planning Special Days in Francophone West Africa

IndicatorDefinitionData Source
Average number of days of FPSDs held per facilityThe total number of days of FPSDs divided by the total number of facilities that held FPSDsProject data
Number of people sensitized on FPSDsThe number of people (men and women) who were informed about the FPSDsHMIS data
Total number of users recruited during the FPSDsThe total number of new and existing FP users who were served during the FPSDsHMIS data
Annual client volume for FPSDs

The total number of users (new and existing) adjusted for:

  • Seasonality (rolling sums) with 12-month rolling sum (July 2020–June 2021) for each contraceptive method

  • Revisits (for short-acting methods) using inverse CYP coefficients

HMIS data
Daily FPSDs yield or average number of users recruited per dayThe total number of users recruited at FPSDs out of the total number of days for FPSDsHMIS data
Total number of adolescents and youth recruited at FPSDsThe total number of new and existing FP users, aged 15–24 years, who were served at FPSDsHMIS data
Average cost of FPSDsThe overall amount spent on FPSDs divided by the total number days of FPSDs conductedProject data
Average operational cost of recruiting a female FP user through FPSDsThe total amount spent on FPSDs divided by the total number of FP users recruited through FPSDsProject data
  • Abbreviations: CYP, couple-years protection; FP, family planning; FPSD, Family Planning Special Day; HMIS, health management information system.