RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Applying Human-Centered Design in Global Mental Health to Improve Reach Among Underserved Populations in the United States and India JF Global Health: Science and Practice JO GLOB HEALTH SCI PRACT FD Johns Hopkins University- Global Health. Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs SP e2200312 DO 10.9745/GHSP-D-22-00312 VO 11 IS 1 A1 Black, Candace J. A1 Berent, Jenna M. A1 Joshi, Udita A1 Khan, Azaz A1 Chamlagai, Lila A1 Shrivastava, Ritu A1 Gautam, Bhuwan A1 Negeye, Abdikadir A1 Iftin, Abdi Nor A1 Ali, Halimo A1 Desrosiers, Alethea A1 Bhan, Anant A1 Bhattacharya, Sunand A1 Naslund, John A. A1 Betancourt, Theresa S. YR 2023 UL http://www.ghspjournal.org/content/11/1/e2200312.abstract AB Key FindingsEngaging end users in the development of mental health intervention delivery tools ensured that the design features reflected the perspectives and needs of those who would use them.Technology may increase the reach of mental health interventions and offers several potential benefits, including supporting capacity-building in low-resource settings; improving technical literacy in underserved communities; and achieving difficult scale-up processes.Key ImplicationsWhen developing mHealth tools with underserved populations or those with lower technical literacy, researchers and practitioners should build supportive mechanisms within the development process to help users engage in the design and evaluation of each product’s features.Policymakers, national stakeholders, researchers, and practitioners can potentially reduce mental health treatment gaps by recruiting and training lay health workers using task-sharing models.Introduction:Human-centered design (HCD) refers to a diverse suite of interactive processes that engage end users in the development of a desired outcome. We showcase how 2 global mental health research teams applied HCD to develop mobile health tools, each directed at reducing treatment gaps in underserved populations.Case Study 1:Refugees face higher risks for mental health problems, yet these communities face structural and cultural barriers that reduce access to and use of services. To address these challenges, the Research Program on Children and Adversity at the Boston College School of Social Work, in partnership with resettled refugee communities in the northeastern United States, used codesign methodology to digitally adapt delivery of the Family Strengthening Intervention for Refugees—a program designed to improve mental health and family functioning among resettled families. We describe how codesign methods support the development of more feasible, acceptable, and sustainable interventions.Case Study 2:Sangath, an NGO in India focused on mental health services research, in partnership with Harvard Medical School, designed and evaluated a digital training program for community health workers to deliver an evidence-based, brief psychological treatment for depression as part of primary care in Madhya Pradesh, India. We describe how HCD was applied to program development and discuss our approach to scaling up training and capacity-building to deliver evidence-based treatment for depression in primary care.Implications:HCD involves a variety of techniques that can be flexibly adapted to engage end users in the conceptualization, implementation, scale-up, and sustainment of global mental health interventions. Community solutions generated using HCD offer important benefits for key stakeholders. We encourage widespread adoption of HCD within global mental health policy, research, and practice, especially for addressing mental health disparities with underserved populations.