PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - McGinn, Erin K. AU - Irani, Laili TI - Provider-Initiated Family Planning Within HIV Services in Malawi: Did Policy Make It Into Practice? AID - 10.9745/GHSP-D-19-00192 DP - 2019 Dec 23 TA - Global Health: Science and Practice PG - 540--550 VI - 7 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - GLOB HEALTH SCI PRACT2019 Dec 23; 7 AB - Four years after Malawi embraced a policy of provider-initiated family planning (PIFP) within its HIV Clinical Guidelines, this policy remained largely unimplemented at the health facility level. Strengthening PIFP in Malawi’s public and private health facilities will require targeted and comprehensive systems changes.Malawi’s guidelines for Clinical Management of HIV in Children and Adults promote the practice of provider-initiated family planning (PIFP) for all clients over the age of 15. The guidelines recommend that providers should offer all clients condoms, offer injectables to female clients, and refer clients to another provider or site if clients prefer another family planning method. This study assessed to what extent family planning services had been integrated into HIV services among 41 facilities in Malawi (hospitals, health posts, health centers; public and nonprofit private) and how the reproductive rights of people living with HIV were being addressed. Data were collected through facility audits (N=41), provider interviews (N=122), client exit interviews (N=425), and mystery client visits (N=58). This study found that contrary to clinical protocols, only 14% of clients at the antiretroviral therapy (ART) clinic had reported being asked about their family planning/fertility intentions during the visit that day. Only 24% of providers at the facility had received training on family planning-HIV integration, and 21% had no family planning training at all. Overwhelmingly, ART clients relied on condoms to meet their family planning needs. Only 24% of ART clinics had injectables available, and only 15% of ART clinics had a full range of family planning methods (short- and long-acting, hormonal and non-hormonal) available to clients. These findings suggest that Malawi’s strong national policies on family planning-HIV integration, and specifically PIFP, are not being implemented in practice and thus not adequately addressing the family planning needs of clients with HIV. To improve PIFP, Malawi requires targeted systems changes. Facilities need to broaden their family planning method mix offerings. Furthermore, providers need more training on family planning and the importance of HIV clients having access to family planning services, and referral services need to be strengthened so providers can ensure clients have access to their method of choice in a timely manner.