RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Challenges of Implementing Antenatal Ultrasound Screening in a Rural Study Site: A Case Study From the Democratic Republic of the Congo JF Global Health: Science and Practice JO GLOB HEALTH SCI PRACT FD Johns Hopkins University- Global Health. Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs SP 315 OP 324 DO 10.9745/GHSP-D-16-00191 VO 5 IS 2 A1 Swanson, David A1 Lokangaka, Adrien A1 Bauserman, Melissa A1 Swanson, Jonathan A1 Nathan, Robert O A1 Tshefu, Antoinette A1 McClure, Elizabeth M A1 Bose, Carl L A1 Garces, Ana A1 Saleem, Sarah A1 Chomba, Elwyn A1 Esamai, Fabian A1 Goldenberg, Robert L YR 2017 UL http://www.ghspjournal.org/content/5/2/315.abstract AB In the context of a well-resourced research project on obstetric ultrasound, we encountered major challenges, including security and maintenance of the equipment, electricity requirements, health systems integration, and a variety of other systems issues. We propose future ultrasound interventions have at minimum a functioning health system with skilled and motivated staff, access to a referral hospital capable of providing affordable and higher levels of care, and feasible transportation means.Persistent global disparities in maternal and neonatal outcomes and the emergence of compact ultrasound technology as an increasingly viable technology for low-resource settings provided the genesis of the First Look Ultrasound study. Initiated in 2014 in 5 low- and middle-income countries and completed in June 2016, the study's intervention included the training of health personnel to perform antenatal ultrasound screening and to refer women identified with high-risk pregnancies to hospitals for appropriate care. This article examines the challenges that arose in implementing the study, with a particular focus on the site in Equateur Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) where the challenges were greatest and the efforts to meet these challenges most illuminating. During the study period, we determined that with resources and dedicated staff, it was possible to leverage the infrastructure and implement ultrasound at antenatal care across a variety of remote sites, including rural DRC. However, numerous technical and logistical challenges had to be addressed including security of the equipment, electricity requirements, and integration of the intervention into the health system. To address security concerns, in most of the countries field sonographers were hired and dispatched each day with the equipment to the health centers. At the end of each day, the equipment was locked in a secure, central location. To obtain the required power source, the DRC health centers installed solar panels bolted on adjacent poles since the thatch roofs of the centers prohibited secure roof-top installation. To realize the full value of the ultrasound intervention, women screened with high-risk pregnancies had to seek a higher level of care at the referral hospital for a definitive diagnosis and appropriate care. While the study did provide guidance on referral and systems management to health center and hospital administration, the extent to which this resulted in the necessary structural changes varied depending on the motivation of the stakeholders. In order for such an intervention to be scaled up and sustained as part of a health system's general services, it would require considerable effort, political will, and financial and human resources. Preliminary results from the study indicate that taking routine antenatal ultrasound screening to scale is not warranted. Lessons learned in implementing the study, however, can help inform future studies or programs that are considering use of ultrasound or other imaging technology for other applications in low-resource settings.