RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Regulatory Monitoring of Fortified Foods: Identifying Barriers and Good Practices JF Global Health: Science and Practice JO GLOB HEALTH SCI PRACT FD Johns Hopkins University- Global Health. Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs SP e-ghsp-d-15-00171 DO 10.9745/GHSP-D-15-00171 A1 Luthringer, Corey L A1 Rowe, Laura A A1 Vossenaar, Marieke A1 Garrett, Greg S YR 2015 UL http://www.ghspjournal.org/content/early/2015/08/31/GHSP-D-15-00171.abstract AB Food fortification with micronutrients often is not compliant with relevant standards, in large part because poor regulatory monitoring does not sufficiently identify and hold producers accountable for underfortified products. We propose these reinforcing approaches: clear legislation, government leadership, strong enforcement of regulations, improved financial and human capacity at the regulatory agency and industry levels, civil society engagement, simplified monitoring processes, and relationship building between industry and government.While fortification of staple foods and condiments has gained enormous global traction, poor performance persists throughout many aspects of implementation, most notably around the critical element of regulatory monitoring, which is essential for ensuring foods meet national fortification standards. Where coverage of fortified foods is high, limited nutritional impact of fortification programs largely exists due to regulatory monitoring that insufficiently identifies and holds producers accountable for underfortified products. Based on quality assurance data from 20 national fortification programs in 12 countries, we estimate that less than half of the samples are adequately fortified against relevant national standards. In this paper, we outline key findings from a literature review, key informant interviews with 11 fortification experts, and semi-quantitative surveys with 39 individuals from regulatory agencies and the food fortification industry in 17 countries on the perceived effectiveness of regulatory monitoring systems and barriers to compliance against national fortification standards. Findings highlight that regulatory agencies and industry disagree on the value that enforcement mechanisms have in ensuring compliance against standards. Perceived political risk of enforcement and poorly resourced inspectorate capacity appear to adversely reinforce each other within an environment of unclear legislation to create a major hurdle for improving overall compliance of fortification programs against national standards. Budget constraints affect the ability of regulatory agencies to create a well-trained inspector cadre and improve the detection and enforcement of non-compliant and underfortified products. Recommendations to improve fortification compliance include improving technical capacity; ensuring sustained leadership, accountability, and funding in both the private and the public sectors; and removing political barriers to ensure consistent detection of underfortified products and enforcement of applicable fortification standards. Only by taking concrete steps to improve the entire regulatory system that is built on a cooperative working relationship between regulatory agencies and food producers will a nutrition strategy that uses fortification see its intended health effects.Competing Interests: None declared.Peer Reviewed