Health Topics
- Supporting the Manufacturing of Medical Supplies in Africa: Collaboration Between Africa CDC, Partners, and Member States
Inadequate supply of PPE, vaccines, and diagnostics during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa created an opportunity to promote local manufacturing. Authors describe Africa CDC's contributions and highlight strategies for strengthening the pandemic response.
- Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Product Procurement, Prices, and Supply Chain in Zimbabwe: Lessons for Supply Chain Resiliency
The authors document how the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted medical product supply chain and procurement in Zimbabwe, impacting medicine access and prices. Policies and interventions are needed to ensure ongoing supply chain resilience.
- Is Early Childhood Development Care at Public Health Facilities in Pakistan Effective? A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
An integrated early childhood development care intervention effectively reduced global development delays and improved growth outcomes in rural Pakistan.
- Evaluating Country Performance After Transitioning From Gavi Assistance: An Applied Synthetic Control Analysis
After transitioning from Gavi support, most countries in this analysis maintained or improved key outcomes compared to expected performance. Transition planning should include assessing risk factors and engaging country actors for post-transition assistance.
- Repeatability of Pulse Oximetry Measurements in Children During Triage in 2 Ugandan Hospitals
This analysis of spot measurements of oxygen saturation in children during routine triage in Ugandan hospitals indicates the importance of signal quality and duration of measurement in achieving repeatable pulse oximetry measurements.
- The Journey Toward Establishing Inpatient Care for Small and Sick Newborns in Ethiopia, India, Malawi, and Rwanda
Documenting the journey to establish inpatient care for small and sick newborns in Ethiopia, India, Malawi, and Rwanda, the authors showcase the remarkable progress and share lessons with stakeholders in other countries who aim to do the same.
- Considerations for Program Managers to Improve Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Displaced Populations
Delivering sexual and reproductive health services to migrating and displaced populations is complex. The authors provide 4 recommendations drawing on their experience across Africa and Asia.
- Digitalizing Clinical Guidelines: Experiences in the Development of Clinical Decision Support Algorithms for Management of Childhood Illness in Resource-Constrained Settings
Clinical decision support systems can strengthen the quality of IMCI but can vary because of the need for interpretation when translating narrative guidelines into decision logic combined with considerations of context and design choices.