Cross-Cutting Topics
- When Knowledge Is Not Enough: Applying a Behavioral Design Approach to Improve Fever Case Management in Nigeria
Analyzing fever case management through a behavioral lens can lead programs to solutions that differ from conventional approaches in terms of type and deployment method.
- Does Quality Certification Work? An Assessment of Manyata, a Childbirth Quality Program in India’s Private Sector
Manyata, a quality improvement initiative for labor room staff at private facilities in India, yielded increased knowledge among staff, increased adherence to evidence-based practices, and a suggestive decrease in referrals but no change in facility-reported health outcomes.
- Networks of Care: An Approach to Improving Maternal and Newborn Health
The Networks of Care approach has the potential to harmonize existing strategies and optimize health systems functions for maternal and newborn health, thereby strengthening the quality of care and ultimately improving outcomes.
- How Do Private Providers Unaffiliated With the Nigeria National TB Program Diagnose and Treat Drug-Susceptible TB Patients? A Cross-Sectional Study
Private providers unaffiliated with the National TB Program (NTP) in Nigeria are not diagnosing or treating drug-susceptible TB patients according to NTP guidelines, resulting in an urgent need to engage non-NTP providers and improve the quality of their TB services.
- A Comprehensive Approach to Medical Oxygen Ecosystem Building: An Implementation Case Study in Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia
A social enterprise model was successfully implemented in Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia that centers the production and distribution of medical oxygen at referral hospitals and equips them to act as supply hubs that help meet regional demand for affordable supply.
- Financial Implications of Tariffs for Medical Oxygen on Rwandan Public Hospitals’ Finance Management During the Coronavirus Epidemic
This study shows how variations in patient consumption of medical oxygen can be used to determine tariffs more accurately and highlights the need for a transition from the time-based tariff structure to a case-based or volume-based tariff to incentivize sustainable production of medical oxygen services at hospitals in Rwanda.
- Community Health Worker Program Outcomes for Diabetes and Hypertension Control in West Bank Refugee Camps: A Retrospective Matched Cohort Study
A community health worker program in urban Palestinian West Bank refugee camps improves diabetes and hypertension control in a setting of chronic violence and extreme adversity.
- Comprehensive Vaccine-Preventable Disease Surveillance in the Western Pacific Region: A Literature Review on Integration of Surveillance Functions, 2000–2021
A literature review supports integrating vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) into broader communicable disease surveillance systems in Western Pacific Region countries while ensuring that the minimal World Health Organization–recommended standards for VPD surveillance are met.