Cross-Cutting Topics
- Learning From the Past: The Role of Social and Behavior Change Programming in Public Health Emergencies
The contributions of social and behavior change research/programming in 6 recent epidemics highlight the importance of further integrating such expertise into outbreak response.
- Addressing COVID-19 Rumors and Behaviors Using Theory in Guyana: A Program Case Study
We used a COVID-19 rumor classification tool to rapidly identify, synthesize, and counter misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic and provide appropriate social and behavior change messaging that would affect relevant preventive and protective behaviors.
- Adapting High Impact Practices in Family Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences From Kenya, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe
Documenting how family planning programs adapt to ensure continuity of care during the COVID-19 pandemic is an important contribution toward implementing approaches that are effective and resilient in the face of present and future challenges.
- Maintaining Continuity of Care for Expectant Mothers in Kenya During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of MomCare
During the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya, the MomCare platform enabled care-seeking behaviors to increase and quality of care to be maintained for expectant mothers despite social, economic, and access barriers.
- Calculating the Cost and Financing Needs of the Basic Package of Health Services in Afghanistan: Methods, Experiences, and Results
We present a methodology for calculating the funds necessary to provide primary health care services and apply it to the Basic Package of Health Services in Afghanistan.
- Re-envisioning Kangaroo Mother Care Implementation Through a Socioecological Model: Lessons From Malawi
Successful kangaroo mother care (KMC) efforts must understand and address social norms that influence this practice. The current study offers a model for how to connect social norms analysis to specific actions to improve KMC implementation.
- Formative Research to Inform Market-Based Interventions to Increase Egg Purchase and Consumption in Tigray, Ethiopia
We aimed to understand and address barriers and enablers related to market access, purchase, and consumption of animal source foods by children aged 6–23 months and to inform subsequent market-based interventions.
- Stakeholders’ Perspectives on the Application of New Diagnostic Devices for Urinary Schistosomiasis in Oyo State, Nigeria: A Q-Methodology Approach
New diagnostic devices for schistosomiasis should be designed to function best within the local endemic health care context and support stakeholders at various levels of the health care system in performing the tasks to help control and eventually eliminate schistosomiasis.
- Optimizing the Health Management Information System in Uttar Pradesh, India: Implementation Insights and Key Learnings
The Uttar Pradesh Health Management Information System has allowed managers across all levels of the state’s health system to access routinely collected data through a comprehensive online portal, contributing to a culture of information use.
- TraumaLink: A Community-Based First-Responder System for Traffic Injury Victims in Bangladesh
A community-based network of trained volunteer layperson first responders in Bangladesh provided rapid and reliable on-scene trauma care to traffic injury victims, free of charge.