- HIV Care Continuum Services for People Who Inject Drugs in Kazakhstan During COVID-19: A Qualitative Study of Service Provider Perspectives
Needle and syringe programs (NSPs) in Kazakhstan have been crucial in providing care for people who inject drugs (PWID) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional supports and investments are needed to ensure that NSPs can continue to reach these marginalized populations while traditional medical systems are under strain.
- Strategies to Promote Health System Strengthening and Global Health Security at the Subnational Level in a World Changed by COVID-19
Structural weaknesses in national health systems have led to huge variations in responses to COVID-19. This calls for a unified approach to health security and essential health services as public health threats and the expectation for health care systems to provide improved access and services at affordable cost increases.
- Maintaining Polio-Free Status in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Despite the negative impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on polio eradication efforts, ensuring the high coverage of polio immunization and high performance of surveillance are essential to maintaining Indonesia’s polio-free status and the reaching the 2023 global polio eradication target.
- COVID-19 Testing Crisis Management Through a Public-Private Partnership in Sindh, Pakistan
Building upon an existing public-private partnership enabled the rapid and effective implementation of province-wide COVID-19 testing in the Sindh province of Pakistan.
- COVID-19 Partners Platform—Accelerating Response by Coordinating Plans, Needs, and Contributions During Public Health Emergencies: COVID-19 Vaccines Use Case
The World Health Organization COVID-19 Partners Platform represents the first step towards a new model of health crisis information sharing across stakeholders and could evolve into an engagement mechanism of choice for future cross-border public health emergencies.
- Health Sector Resource Mapping in Malawi: Sharing the Collection and Use of Budget Data for Evidence-Based Decision Making
By tracking budgets for health through its annual resource mapping exercise, the Government of Malawi generated evidence for planning and budgeting, quantifying resource needs, mobilizing funds to fill financial gaps, and coordinating investments across stakeholders with different priorities toward common goals. The exercise was adapted to conduct COVID-19 resource mapping to inform planning and coordination of the national pandemic response.
- Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic to Strengthen TB Infection Control: A Rapid Review
In light of competing health priorities of COVID-19 and TB, we propose recommendations to strengthen health system preparedness for optimal TB control across low- and middle-income countries during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
- How Home Delivery of Antiretroviral Drugs Ensured Uninterrupted HIV Treatment During COVID-19: Experiences From Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, and Nigeria
During the COVID-19 pandemic, home delivery of antiretrovirals for HIV treatment proved to be a feasible approach for ensuring treatment continuation amid facility closures and travel restrictions. Antiretroviral home delivery is a model warranting further consideration as an additional option for decentralized drug delivery for HIV treatment.
- The Conundrum of Low COVID-19 Mortality Burden in sub-Saharan Africa: Myth or Reality?
The demographic age structure of sub-Saharan Africa contributes significantly to the low morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 compared to other regions in the world.
- COVID-19 Pandemic in India: Through the Lens of Modeling
We reflect on and review India's COVID-19 pandemic response through the lens of modeling and data. The lessons learned from the Indian context may be beneficial for other countries.