- Acceptability of an Incentivized Peer Referral Intervention to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Adults in Yopougon-Est, Côte d’Ivoire
A pilot intervention in Yopougon-Est, Côte d’Ivoire, found incentivizing recent COVID-19 vaccine recipients to refer peers for vaccination using paper coupons acceptable.
- Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccination Among People Living With HIV and Health Care Workers in Tanzania: A Case Study
Within a 12-month period, targeted strategies increased COVID-19 vaccination uptake, minimized wastage of limited vaccine supply, and reduced missed opportunities for vaccination among people living with HIV and health care workers in Tanzania.
- Unveiling Maternal Health Insights During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Pakistan: Using Causal Loop Diagrams to Illuminate and Prevent Unintended Policy Effects
The authors explain that using causal loop diagrams can visualize retrospectively the unintended negative consequences of COVID-19 related policies on maternal health and has potential to be used prospectively to foster decision-making to prevent those consequences.
- UDHAVI Community Support During India's Second COVID-19 Wave: A Descriptive Study on a Tertiary Care Center's Pandemic Response Helpline
The authors describe how a tertiary care institution in India initiated a helpline during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that leveraged institutional medical expertise and community health networks to better coordinate pandemic response efforts.
- Supporting the Manufacturing of Medical Supplies in Africa: Collaboration Between Africa CDC, Partners, and Member States
Inadequate supply of PPE, vaccines, and diagnostics during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa created an opportunity to promote local manufacturing. Authors describe Africa CDC's contributions and highlight strategies for strengthening the pandemic response.
- Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Product Procurement, Prices, and Supply Chain in Zimbabwe: Lessons for Supply Chain Resiliency
The authors document how the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted medical product supply chain and procurement in Zimbabwe, impacting medicine access and prices. Policies and interventions are needed to ensure ongoing supply chain resilience.
- The Role of Sudanese Doctors in the United Kingdom in Mitigating COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Their Diaspora Communities
A COVID-19 vaccine awareness campaign conducted by Sudanese doctors helped to mitigate vaccine hesitancy among Sudanese diaspora groups in the United Kingdom.
- The Godmother Project: A Virtual Initiative to Support Pregnant and Postpartum Women in Brazil During the COVID-19 Pandemic
WhatsApp groups of pregnant and postpartum women led by dedicated nurse educators can help educate and support women during the perinatal period, especially in contexts of physical distancing requirements or where social support is unavailable.
- Training a Continent: A Process Evaluation of Virtual Training on Infection Prevention and Control in Africa During COVID-19
Virtual training programs provide a feasible way to strengthen infection prevention and control in Africa.
- Empowering Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Mothers’ Support Groups: Evidence From a Community Engagement Initiative in Sri Lanka
Community empowerment activities conducted by mothers’ support groups in Sri Lanka played a critical role in COVID-19 outbreak control among communities.